Rasulullah SAW bersabda:
“Bagi orang yang mengerjakan shalat mendapatkan tiga macam (kebaikan), yaitu: Malaikat mengerumuninya sejak dari telapak kaki sampai ke atas langit, kebaikan turun kepadanya dari atas langit sampai atas kepalanya, dan malaikat berseru “Seandainya orang yang sedang shalat ini mengetahui dengan siapa ia berbicara (berkomunikasi), niscaya ia tidak akan mau berhenti (dari shalatnya)”.
Dari Ka’ab Al Ahbar ra. Bahwasanya ia berkata :”Seandainya salah seorang diantara kamu sekalian bisa melihat pahala dua rakaat dari shalat sunnah, niscaya ia akan melihat bahwa pahalanya itu lebih besar daripada gunung yang menjulang tinggi. Sedangkan pahala shalat wajib maka jauh lebih besar lagi”.
Dari Samurah bin Jundub dari seorang sahabat Rasul, bahwasanya beliau bersabda: “Shalat sunnah seseorang didalam rumahnya itu lebih banyak pahalanya dibandingkan shalat sunnah di depan orang banyak, yaitu seperti keutamaan shalat jama’ah atas shalat sendirian”.
Dari Nabi SAW. Beliau bersabda :”Shalat sunnah seseorang didalam rumahnya itu merupakan cahaya, maka cahayailah (terangilah) rumah-rumahmu”.
Dari Abu Hurairah ra.Nabi SAW bersabda :
“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan shalat sunnah 20 raka’at antara maghrib dan isya maka Allah akan memelihara keluarga, agama, dunia, dan akhiratnya. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan shalat subuh lalu ia duduk ditempat shalatnya sampai matahari terbit, kemudian ia menegerjakan shalat dua raka’at, maka Allah membuatkan dinding (penghalang) baginya dari api neraka nanti pada hari kiamat”.
Zaid bin Aslam meriwayatkan dari Umar ra.dimana ia berkata :”Saya berkata kepada Abu Dzarr ra.”Nasihatilah saya wahai paman”. Abu Dzarr berkata: saya telah meminta kepada Rasulullah SAW seperti apa yang kamu minta kepada saya, lalu beliau bersabda:
“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan shalat dhuha dua raka’at, maka ia tidak akan dicatat termasuk orang-orang yang lupa. Barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya empat raka’at, maka ia dicatat termasuk orang-orang yang ahli ibadah. Barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya enam raka’at, maka pada hari itu tidak akan terkena dosa. Barangsiapa yang mengerjakannya delapan raka’at, maka ia dicatat termasuk orang-orang yang sangat taat. Dan barangsiapa yang menegrjakannya 12 raka’at, maka dibangunkan sebuah rumah baginya didalam syurga”.
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa keutamaan shalat sunnah diwaktu malam atas shalat diwaktu siang adalah seperti keutamaan shadaqah secara sembunyi-sembunyi atas shadaqah secara terang-terangan.
Dari Anas bin Malik ra.dari Nabi SAW beliau bersabda:
“Tidak ada suatu tempat yang dipergunakan untuk shalat dan berdzikir kepada Allah, melainkan tempat itu akan merasa gembira dengan yang demikian itu sampai kedasar bumi yang ketujuh, lalu ia berbangga kepada tempat yang berada disekitarnya. Dan tidak ada seorang hamba yang berada ditengah hutan yang bermaksud untuk mengerjakan shalat, melainkan bumi akan berhias untuknya”.
Diceritakan dari Khalid bin Ma’dan bahwasanya ia berkata: “Saya mendapatkan informasi bahwa Allah berbangga kepada Malaikat dengan 3 kelompok orang, yaitu:
1. Seseorang yang berada ditengah hutan, lalu ia beradzan dan beriqamah kemudian mengerjakan shalat sendirian; maka Allah Ta’ala berfirman :”Lihatlah hambaKu yang mengerjakan shalat sendirian tanpa seorangpun yang melihatnya selain Aku, hendaknya 70.000 Malaikat turun dan mengerjakan shalat dibelakangnya”.
2. Seseorang yang bangun diwaktu malam lalu mengerjakan shalat sendirian, dimana ia sujud, dan setelah itu ia tidur dan dianggap sedang sujud; maka Allah Ta’ala berfirman:”Lihatlah hamba-Ku yang nyawanya ada pada sisi-Ku dan tubuhnya sedang bersujud kepada-Ku”.
3. Seseorang yang berada ditengah-tengah medan peperangan, dimana ia tetap tegar hingga terbunuh”.
Beberapa episode yang lalu telah dibahas mengenai shalat sunnah di program tausiyah Titian Iman masih bersama dengan Aa’ Hadi di O’Channel. Beberapa keutamaannya pun telah dibahas secara rinci. Pada episode Titian Iman kali ini diresumekan kembali mengenai Keutamaan Shalat Sunnah.
Setiap amal yang disertai keteladanan rasul (sunnah) memiliki nilai pahala kebaikan. Allah berfirman dalam Surat Ali Imran, QS. 3:31
قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ ۗ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ ﴿٣١﴾
Katakanlah: “Jika kamu (benar-benar) mencintai Allah, ikutilah aku, niscaya Allah mengasihi dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu.” Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang
(Ali Imran, QS. 3:31)
Ayat di atas menjelaskan bahwa Allah memerintahkan kepada Rasul Muhammad Sallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam kepada seluruh umat manusia bahwa jika ingin mendapatkan cinta dan ampunan Allah hendaklah mengikuti apa yang telah dicontohkan Rasulullah. Satu hal yang perlu diingat, segalanya harus diniatkan lillahi ta’ala. Sekali lagi, jangan sampai salah niat, karena jika salah niat bukan karena Allah maka kita tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa.
Ketika kita dicintai Allah niscaya Allah akan senantiasa melindungi perjalanan hidup kita. Allah juga akan mengampuni segala dosa-dosa kita, dosa kepada suami, istri, orang tua, anak, teman, tetangga, dosa diri sendiri kepada Allah, baik yang tersembunyi maupun yang terang-terangan sepanjang amalan yang kita lakukan ikhlas lillahi ta’ala. Ketika kita mampu meluruskan niat dengan benar dan sempurna, memasrahkan segalanya kepada Allah, niscaya Allah akan mencurahkan cinta dan ampunan untuk kita.
Lakukan segala amalan wajib dan sunnah dengan penuh kesungguhan. Prioritaskan semua. Perlakukan semua seolah-olah sebagai ibadah wajib seperti halnya rasul. Seorang istri ketika berkewajiban melayani suami, hendaknya tidak meninggalkan shalat sunnah tahajudnya. Jika segalanya disertai dengan kesungguhan hati, niscaya tidak ada yang berat. Allah yang akan menuntun kita untuk menggerakkan tubuh kita untuk bersujud dan bersyukur kepada-Nya. Bahkan seorang istri yang mengambilkan satu gelas air untuk suaminya ketika dilakukan dengan ikhlas lillahi ta’ala, niscaya nilai pahalanya setara dengan pahala haji/umrah yang mabrur. Subhanallah. Begitu juga sebagai suami juga hendaknya mengajak istri dan keluarganya menjalankan qiyamul lail. Jadilah imam yang baik yang menjadi motivator bagi keluarga untuk semakin mendekatkan diri dan bersyukur kepada Allah. Saling menjaga diri dan keluarga dari siksa api neraka. Sibukkan malam-malam untuk mengingat Allah dengan menjalankan shalat sunnah tahajud dan shalat sunnah yang lain di sepertiga malam terakhir. Pikirkan bahwa hidup di dunia hanyalah sementara, kehidupan di akhiratlah yang kekal. Karenanya, kita perlu mengumpulkan bekal sebanyak-banyaknya. Jalani hidup ini dengan sungguh-sungguh, karena jika kita menjalaninya setengah-setengah niscaya kita akan merasa berat dalam menjalankannya.
Jadikan rumah tangga sebagai ladang amal. Seorang istri harus pandai me-manage waktunya, kapan saat melayani suami, anak, orang tua, lingkungan, dan kepada Allah. Acuhkan bisikan-bisikan syetan yang menyesatkan. Bertaawudzlah yang benar. Jangan hanya di lisan namun disertai dengan ilmu dan ikhtiar. Misalnya, tentang seorang perempuan yang shalat di masjid sepanjang tidak mengundang fitnah maka diperbolehkan, apalagi jika rumahnya dekat dengan masjid dan sepanjang niatnya ikhlas lurus lillahi ta’ala. Dan usahakan ketika suami pulang ke rumah, sang istri sudah sampai di rumah duluan untuk menyambut kedatangan suami dan urusan rumah tangga tidak terbengkalai. Namun jika dengan shalat di masjid (bagi perempuan) dikhawatirkan menimbulkan fitnah, lebih baik shalat di rumah saja.
Hendaknya kita memperlakukan ibadah sunnah sebagi ibadah wajib sebagai bentuk ketaqwaan kepada Allah. Ibadah sunnah adalah ibadah yang dicontohkan rasul, sedangkan ibadah wajib adalah ibadah yang diperintahkan dari Allah secara langsung melalui rasul. Dikisahkan rasul menjalankan qiyamul lail sampai bengkak kakinya, padahal kita tahu bahwa rasul telah terjamin masuk surga. Ketika kita mencintai rasul, tidak cukup hanya dengan rajin bershalawat, namun berupaya meneladani apa yang dicontohkan rasul. Jangan sampai rajin shalawat, namun masih susah memaafkan orang lain, rajin membalas kejahatan dengan kejahatan, jarang senyum. Teladani rasul, yakini setiap detik sebagai jalan ibadah kepada Allah.
Bertaqwalah sesuai dengan kemampuan dan lakukan dengan kesungguhan hati. Banyak mempunyai majelis taklim bagus sebagai upaya memperkuat silaturahim. Yang utama adalah dengan sering melakukan amalan, baik itu berupa shalat sunnah maupun amalan yang lain, hati semakin suci, tidak takabur ataupun sombong dan menghindari keluh kesah serta menjauhi ghibah.
Ketika kita masih menjalankan ibadah sunnah kadang rajin dan kadang tidak, atau rajin ibadah ketika sedih saja itu artinya ibadah kita belum istiqomah. Segerakan sempurnakan dan istiqomahkan ibadah kita dan perbanyaklah doa agar terhindar dari kemalasan, dan mensegerakan untuk mengerjakan ibadah wajib dan sunnah.
Pelaksanaan shalat sunnah tahajud boleh dilakukan 2 rakaat salam, bisa juga dengan 4 rakaat salam dengan urutan 4-4-3 (yang diakhiri dengan 3 rakaat shalat sunnah witir). Ketika kita memilih 4 rakaat salam adalah dengan tidak melakukan tahiyat awal. Silahkan memilih melakukan yang diyakini karena yang utama adalah setelahnya kita menjadi pribadi yang tepat waktu, yang mengutamakan ibadah sunnah sebagaimana ibadah wajib dan senantiasa berkomunikasi dengan Allah. Yakini semakin dekat dengan Allah niscaya ujian yang menimpa akan semakin banyak sebagai wujud kebaikan dari Allah agar kita semakin dekat dengan-Nya dan surga-Nya. Semakin banyak dan sempurna kita menjalankan amalan wajib dan sunnah maka akan semakin banyak rahmat Allah yang tercurah untuk kita.
sumber : dari berbagai sumber
Artikel Cari Di Sini
Monday, November 30, 2009
Keutamaan Shalat Sunnah
Kecelakaan Maut Di Lampung
Kecelakaan terjadi kemarin 30 Nov 2009 tepatnya di jalur lintas sumatra dekat SMA N1 Natar Lampung Selatan naas 4 mobil bertabrakan beruntun sekaligus dan sebuah sepeda motor juga menjadi korban, akan tetapi dalam tragedi ini tak satupun terdapat korban yang tewas....
Berikut liputannya......
Fanter Tertimpa Cold Disel bermuatan kayu....
Mobil Avanza Hancur......
Vuso Penyebab terjadinya kecelakaan ....
Avanza renyek dan ringsek....
Vuso naas penyebab semua ini terjadi....
Motor Naas yang menjadi korban dalam tragedi ini...
Motor tidak mengalami rusak parah akan tetapi pengendaranya.......?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Bandar Lampung
Bandar Lampung is one of the existing capital of the southern Sumatran city is the midpoint of Jakarta and Medan Bandar Lampung point is a city located in the middle of the population in Medan, Aceh and Bengkulu seta Palembang.
Bandar Lampung famous for its beach tourism which is the condition of Lampung Province on the outskirts of the sea from the beach or mountain chain, to reach the city of Bandar Lampung, if we come from the city of Jakarta will travel to the travel from Jakarta to Bandar Lampung takes approximately 6 -8 hours of sea and land travel, but if through the air path distance between Jakarta and Bandar Lampung only takes about 2 hours.
Indeed, if the air path through a relatively short time required but not memorable because we are not able to enjoy the lovely scenery if by land.
Bandar Lampung city itself has made progress in line with the progress of time which was formerly Bandar Lampung, lonely regular tidah now there are many such storied building in other cities.
Bandar Lampung If teman2 would come here do not miss to stop by the beach beach located on the outskirts of Bakau Heni road to Bandar Lampung ... Because the beautiful coastal scenery and many varied culinary hehhehe
(By aliyasa. 25 11 09)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Palm Bonsai Potential Lampung
Are dwarf palm that grows in a pot can be called a bonsai? Why all this as if there is no recognition that there are coconut bonsai? Such lawsuits are not only appeared a couple of times, especially in the city of Lampung, including entering the Green Hobby editor. One of the lawsuit such as SMS content below:
I am a coconut, the age of 18 years, height of only 70 cm. Why have not I received a member PPBI? Is it because I did not fork?
From the contents of SMS, there is the impression, that during this palm bonsai yet, or even not get the recognition to be called bonsai. And the recognition that (should) come from the only organization penghobi bonsai, namely PPBI. Even more recognition from the jury bonsai, which manifested (for example) there is a bonsai palm œbenderaâ € â €?? in a contest bonsai.
Coconut assumption that there is still worthy to be called bonsai, bonsai exhibition proved in Lamongan (3-12/6), there are included coconut bonsai. Bonsai exhibition in Jember some time ago there was also bnsai coconut, which set the style landscape. It is not possible in a bonsai exhibition in other places there is also a coconut bonsai. And then people think, â € coconut œoo indeed be called bonsai. The evidence, could come pameran.â €??
If the parameter is used, then not only the coconut. Bonsai exhibition in Lamongan, too, there are bamboo bonsai, that (pulling) instead crowned as the best bonsai bonsai second of the three favorites. Bonsai exhibition in Pamekasan years ago, in fact there are bonsai papaya. In fact, it is said in the ASPAC I bonsai exhibition in 1991, had no banana bonsai.
So, if you only take part in the exhibition, it was the right committee. Moreover, the same owner to fulfill its obligation as a participant, that is paying the cost of registration. Problem jurors admit, assess, or even win, is another matter. At most there is a commented, â € say œkelapa kok bonsaiâ €??. The same thing applies to bamboo, papaya and banana.
It is true that from the definition of origin according to said (etymology), that bonsai originated from Japanese, Bon (the container) and Sai (plant). But not all the plants in pots / containers can be called bonsai.
On many occasions, senior penghobi bonsai, Wahjudi D. Sutomo argued, that bonsai is a small tree, whose growth is set, looking attractive, shapely, dark impression and planted in pots.
If it only refers to this definition, in fact can be classified in coconut bonsai. Because coconuts can be made into a small tree, growth can also be arranged, and planted in pots. In fact, not only the old impression, but the coconut dibonsai certainly has become an old plant.
Except for two items, namely œberpenampilan menarikâ â € €?? and œberbentuk indahâ â € €??, then the coconut bonsai simply can meet these requirements, but it is difficult to improve its quality. That is, something interesting and beautiful is that there are degrees. There is an interesting bonsai and beautiful, but there is a more interesting and more beautiful and there's nothing much more interesting and far more beautiful, even on it anymore.
Therefore, to increase the degree of interesting and beautiful that it made a variety of ways, ranging from essentially forming the motion, set the ramifications, perantingannya designing, forming the canopy, creating a drought, bunjin, up by changing his style.
Such characteristics can not be done on bonsai palm, which grows only formal, upright, that the canopy shape-that's all, no twigs and branches that can be arranged. Palm bonsai is interesting, because it is unique. Palm bonsai are beautiful, but the beauty of it just got there. Can not be increased again.
So, if there is still insisting that oil can dibonsai, yes it is possible. That there coconut bonsai, it is also legitimate. So why PPBI not admit? This question does not need to ask mustinya because PPBI not eligible institution baptize whether bonsai palm (or any tree) deserve the name of bonsai or not. There need be no recognition of PPBI, because during this PPBI also never given the same recognition to another tree.
Problem recognition from the jury bonsai? Well, it was later used. Because the jury had been bound by the standard rules for judging bonsai. There are columns that must be filled, namely: overall appearance, Basic Motion, maturity, and inspiration. Coconut, bamboo or papaya and bananas, will fall into a winner when judged by these columns.
source / bonsaisidoarjo.wordpress.com
No related posts.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lime Benefit s Lampung
NOT only as a refreshing beverage, orange juice also has a high medical benefit. Water, fruit, and leaves can be used as drugs for hypertension, dysentery, and vertigo. Lime juice can also remove the smell of the mouth and burn fat. In addition, there are many more other benefits of lime. Want to know?
Lime has many benefits. Besides being a refreshing drink, fruit that has consumed thousands of years ago this could also prevent the temptation to cure various diseases. Indeed there are so many oranges, among other things tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, orange sauce, lemon, mandarin oranges, and many others. However, in terms of none of which matched lime.
Lime is a plant with many branches of shrubs. The height can reach six meters. The leaves are oval shaped and handled. Star-shaped flowers are white. Hard woody stem and usually bear fruit after 2.5 years. The fruit is round with a smooth surface, thin-skinned, yellow and green when older.
This plant is thought to have come from north Indian region. Lemon fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C are high. Leaves, fruit, and flowers, flying oil containing limonin and linalool. Lime usually grow well in lowland areas that were exposed to sunlight.
Communities in the Netherlands, especially living in big cities like Amsterdam, Den Haag, and Rotterdam, has known the benefits of orange juice since several centuries ago. So did the people in the United States. They began to recognize the benefits of lime since the time of ancient Indians. Ohio State Biotechnology Center in the city of Columbus, Ohio, United States, had done research on lime. The result, lime rich in vitamins and contains a number of minerals. Lime lime merit is still fresh, thin-skinned and yellow-green color.
Apart from fruit, roots, leaves, and lime flowers are often used as a drug. According Prapti Dr. Utami, lemon fruit contains several substances that are beneficial to the body, among others, citric acid, glucose, fats, essential oils, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and amino acids. "The number of ingredients found in citrus fruit juice to make it widely used as a drug," he explained.
Essential oil of lime leaves inhibits the growth of staphylococcus aureus (bacteria on the skin). Lime juice can be used as a mouthwash in tenggotokan ill patient. The sweet smell of a delicious, delicious when we rinse. Her skin, if held in the mouth, can scent or reduce bad breath was delicious and overcoming inflammation because they contain acid that can kill germs.
Because many oil and kandungnan substance in it, lemon is also used to overcome dysentery, constipation, hemorrhoid, irregular menstruation, diphtheria, acne, headache or vertigo, hoarseness, cough, body odors, increase appetite, prevent hair fall, dandruff, flu, fever, too fat, tonsils, Anyang-anyangan disease (painful urination), nosebleeds, and inflammation of the nose.
Lime fruit taste bitter, sour, a bit cold and efficacious to remove the blockage of vital energy. Can be used as a cough medicine, peluruh sputum, peluruh sweat, and helps the digestive process. Taste sour lemon can help clear the nicotine found in smokers' teeth and mouth. Ingredients contained limonin in citrus juice can reduce blood cholesterol levels which indirectly reduce hypertension.
By drinking lemon juice regularly, every morning, noon and night, would wake stability and trimness body. Lime juice can also prevent coughing. Not only that, lemon juice can make the skin pores become smaller and eliminate the fat in oily skin. The pulp can reduce the heat in the stomach.
Source: Genie and http://lifestyle.okezone.com/index.php/ReadStory/2008/12/01/195/169325/manfaat-jeruk-nipis-untuk-kesehatan-dan-kecantikan
Monday, November 9, 2009
Fruit Jukum (RUKEM) The Rare Original Lampung Indonesia
RUKEM (Jowo) Fruit Jukum (Lampung) It was sweet acids. The pulp is very small because large seeds but there are also other types of small-seeded fruit in hardly find this kind of good in kosumsi. These fruits are common in Lampung, Bogor and the islands surrounding Java. In Central Java, called mundung.Menteng menteng, kepundung, or (to) Mundung is producing fruit trees with the same name that can be eaten. Brief fruit fruit menteng duku similar but different tree canopies. Fruit usually a sour taste (sour), although some are manis.Yukum this yourself or have a tree or rukem stems covered with thorns that in sharp thorns that directly attached to the tree if not cautious to the dangers of this rukam thorn allegedly toxic and often times if the lampung rukam trees often make it a powerful weapon for a thief ngejer hehehe one of the thieves ngejer gk dapet ketusuk instead because of a fall Jukum Fruit hahahha.jukum 150x122 (RUKEM) Indonesia The Original Rare
Menteng used to be planted in the garden but now it is difficult to find due to population pressure and other fruit crops planting is preferred. This plant native from the island of Java. In the vicinity of Jakarta and Bogor still occasionally found menteng fruit sellers.
It rukem strange fruit. kalo mateng reddish color. raw reply, yes still ijo. semacem Keres (tau gak?) but more gede. rukem interesting than this, not who's picking, but do you eat. how:
1. take rukem fruit ripe. one wrote. do not be greedy-greedy
2. put one on top rukem hand (your hand, not the other person's hand).
3. round-rounded rukem (like make a ball of clay) or push-push rukem until slightly soft (bahasane). just more tender than the last.
4. rukem eat it.
5. discard skin and its contents from the mouth.
why the hell-ribet ribet pake? aja stay can not eat what?
supposedly, this fruit rukem kalo pake steps above do not last, not be sweet. direct reply to eat, it's Sepet. nyoba have not really, but he said so. maybe it was just a myth aja times. I've been doing a ritual before eating rukem, it was not sweet tetep. (Aliyasa)
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Rafflesia Not? ..
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Rafflesia Not? ..
Accidentally when I went to the garage to service the bike around a new village on the back of the campus rather accidentally UNILA I see there are some students / elementary school I was their focus in one direction, and some of them vaguely - vaguely heard " uh what the carcass is Rafflesia flower well "as a conversation about what made it into my ear.
The more curious about workshop ahirnya after officers rushed to finish the job akupun intend to look more closely what is really the center of attention these children. Apparently their view directed towards sepohon very similar rates once the flowers Raflesia.
With no time to waste membidikan akupun camera red flowers such circumstances, in this hatikupun ask what the interest rate Raflesia ...? What bodo ah yah but so will the carcass or Raflesia important tar aja aja capture my first. And this image is successfully captured by the camera .... (Yasa + photos)
Monday, November 2, 2009
Various Collection of Lampung Traditional Weapon
Typical Weapon Type 5 Lampung
Interested Contact Us
Goods sent soon after the money we receive.
Sale .....
Original Material Made of Brass ..
Kujang In Create th 1750m
Length: 27cm
Weight: 250 g
Kasiat: calming the soul of the holder and family
Ciomas Twins
Length: 13cm
Weight: 20gr
Khasisat: Adem When the Bring-bring and Increase authority.
Price: USD 800 000
Chinese sword complete with its box
Length: 85 cm
Weight: 800 g
To: Create a homemade weapon
Kasiat: Family adem calm
Price: Rp 1.7 jt
Original Banten Ber Cibatu fame
Length: 50cm
Weight: 400gr
Kasiat: Start Home Based versatile weapon
Price: Rp.750 000
Barang2 above you can also message through mail
or fia facebook
Aliyasa mantaf
The following rates are sis ....
Efficacy Black Seed (black cumin / Black seed / Niggela Sativa)
Along with technological developments, without realizing the development of modern therapy is not absolutely able meyembuhkan several diseases, drugs and even now supply some of the stores there are harmful side effects of the human body.
Rosululloh Sholallahu Allaah be upon him said: 'Use the Al Alami', because in it there is a drug for every disease except as Sam (death) (Bukhori and Saheeh Muslim).
Habbaatussauda consume 'as the recommended drug of Allaah be upon Rosululloh Sholallahu not so well known by Muslims in Indonesia, yet in many countries (Europe, America and some Asian countries) this drug has a very real kepoluleran to be some research done to uncover the truth ilmiyah these hadith. (Including by Professor El Dakhany from Microbiologi Research Center, Arabia, Dr. Michael Tierra Laco MD, Department Pharmachology Research Laboratory, Department Pharmachy King's College London, etc.).
Among the benefits of Black Seed:
Strengthen the immune system
Black cumin (Black Seed) can increase the amount of a T cell, which is good to increase the cell-natural killer cells. Evektifitasnya up to 72% when compared with placebo only 7%. Thus mengkonsumsikan Black Seed can boost immunity. In 1993, Dr. Basil Ali and his colleagues from the Collge of Medicine at King Faisal University, published in the journal Pharmasetik Arabia. Black Seed extract recognized efficacy Professor G Reimuller, Director of the Institute of the University of Munich Immonologi, can enhance the immune system and can be used as bioregulator. Thus Habbatussauda may be for diseases that attack the immune system such as cancer and AIDS.
Improve memory, concentration and vigilance
With the content of linoleic acid (omega 6 and linoleic acid (Omega 3), is Habbatusssauda nutrients for brain cells use to improve memory and intellect, Black Seed also improve micro (peredarandarah) to the brain and is ideal given the growth of children and the elderly.
Increasing hormone Bioaktifitas
Hormones are substances produced by the active endoktrin glands, which entered the blood circulation. One of the Black Seed is a plant sterol content of the functional hormone synthesis and bioactivity.
Neutralize the poison in the body
Toxins can disturb the metabolism and decrease the function of important organs like the liver, lungs and brain. Such mild symptoms of poisoning may include diarrhea, dizziness, respiratory problems and reduce the power of concentration. Black Seed contains saponins that can neutralize and clean up toxins in the body.
Overcoming Sleep disorders and Stress
Saponin contained in Black Seed that have functions such as corticosteroids that can influence carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as affect the function of the heart, kidneys, muscles and nerves. Sapion works to defend itself from environmental changes, sleep disturbances, and can relieve stress.
Anti Histamine
Histamine is a substance released by tissues such as the allergic reaction in bronchial asthma. Oil and Black Seed made to isolate ditymoquinone, this oil is often referred nigellone from nigella volatile. This lubrication positive impact on bronchial asthma. enelitian by Nirmal MD Chakravaty year of 1993 proved niggelone crystal suppressive effect. These crystals can inhibit protemkinase C, a substance that triggers the release of histamine. Other enelitian prove the same thing. This time is Dr. Med. Peter Schleincher, immonologi expert from the University of Munich. He did a test on the mederita allergic 600vorang. The result is convincing 70% of allergic mederita, sebuk, acne, and asthma oil recovered after being given Nigella (Black Seed). In practice prescribing Schleincher Dr. Black Seed to suffer pasiencyang influenza.
Improve the digestive tract and anti-bacterial
Black Seed contains essential oils and volatif the known benefits to improve digestion. Essential oils traditionally used for diarrhea. In 1992, Pakistan Pharmaceutical journal contains research results that prove more volatile oil mercy killing strainbakteri V Colera and E coli compared with antibiotics such as Ampicillin and Tetracillin.
Breast launched
The combination of unsaturated fat and hormonal structures found in Black Seed Oil can be launched breast milk. This research later published in the research literature at the University Potchestroom in 1989.
Supplement Nutrition In Your Baby and Toddler
At the time of the child's growth requires nutrients to enhance the immune system naturally, especially during the rainy season children will easily catch the flu and colds. Content of Omega 3, 6, 9 included in the Black Seed is a nutrient that helps the development of infant brain tissue and the fetus.
Anti tumor
At the International Cancer Congress in New Delhi, Black Seed oil introduced cancer Immonobiologi Laboratory scientists dai Southern California, Black Seed can stimulate bone marrow and immune cells, producing inferonnya normal cells against viral damage and destroy tumor cells and increased antibody
For human nutrition
Black Seed is rich in nutrition as an additional energy is ideal for the elderly, especially to maintain the immune system and brain cells revitalitas quickly so as not senile. Black Seed contains 15 kinds of amino acids making up the protein content of didalmnya including 9 essential amino acids. Amino acids can not be produced by the body in sufficient quantities therefore required additional supplements, can Habbatussauda insufficiency.
From several sources
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
After so long without swirling around Bandar Lampung city, it turns out that I loved the city now has a lot of changes very quickly with only a few years ago, Bandar Lampung city that had beautiful comfortable and not stifling cool, has now turned into a crowded city and fatigue what causes it? is a question that hung my heart ... ..? possible in all our hearts.
Exactly yesterday Monday 2 November 2009, I was with my wife since the night was planning to go to an agency to take care of the completeness of the requirements for applying for CPNSD year 2009 that require applicants to attach a piece of paper that has been in legalkan by the authorities. Since we have busy morning At first I was with my wife 7:00 Ershad took our baby for the first immunization clinic where our customers after it was over we came home and left the baby to his grandmother (my mother metuaku). After that at 8:00 kamipun hurried on my way to an agency in the mean, the distance from home is time consuming, bicycles motorkupun accompanied drove in the hot morning sun began to heat, knowing Lampung recently guyur rarely in the rain, this penyebabkan one jugamenjadi temperature level increases during the day, making conditions particularly Bandar Lampung city becomes tired and cramped terrace.
After traveling almost exactly half way to enter Bandar Lampung city, now the bike speed becomes slow because of congestion begins to feel, at first I thought there must be at the front lakalantas or whatever it is, but after I observed the remains found on a motorcycle is purely traffic congestion yeah, ... look at the front of the apparatus there are some visible traffic policeman on guard but still bad happened, it happened right near the roundabout Radin Intan (Bunderan) from the Natar. After passing the traffic that has taken my time ahirnya I decided to change the direction of vehicle speed, which we should by now we jl.tengku umar change took the direction of Sumatra highway Bakauheni,, was quite comfortable and even heavy vehicles will not selfish drivers ignoring the motor sometimes nearly out of line for fear of teronton the tersenggol voluptuous buttocks. Having reached the crossroad queens harbor or turn a profit Suropati our direction with the intention of going through the main line so that Namu umar jl.tengku again after arriving at the University of Bandar Lampung (UBL) happen again this congestion caused the rider who wants to cross the road headed in the opposite direction does not irregular conditions certainly make things worse. Nothing seemed almost an hour had passed we have not reached goal, which should be on the go travel with a relatively short time it was 45 minutes from our house has become very slow, which is in Fikiranku time only so fast as to where to get a goal results as you wish.
After going through various obstacles, especially congestion eventually we both arrived at their destination without wasting any time remaining we met tante (call to the mother of my friend) who has made an appointment with us before and we quickly followed him step by step until all matters ahirnya wrong with a short amount of time it only takes no more than an hour, which should be if we take care of themselves without the help of his bias so until the afternoon has not been completed because the rules are made stakeholders in the very hook hooked hehehe ribet aka Praise to bet ... help him all the problems to be easily resolved, but this is not kkn emang aunt worked at the institution.
At the end of the journey kamipu continue our home since our baby was very cute and my wife worried about our children, on the way back home we were no longer experiencing severe congestion as he left.
Conclusion .. Bandar Lampung city was now much changed besides storey buildings have started springing up in this city that makes a beautiful city to be transformed into arid, also has proliferation of exacerbating motoring on the highway conditions are a major cause of congestion in this city. (real estate) (Photo google)