Way Kambas National Park is representative of lowland forest ecosystem consisting of freshwater swamp forests, desert shrub alang-alang/semak, and coastal forests in Sumatra.
Plant species in national parks include those fires (Avicennia marina), Sonneratia (Sonneratia sp.), Palm (Nypa fruticans), absorbed (Melaleuca leucadendron), salam (Syzygium polyanthum), mire (Glochidion borneensis), ketapan (Terminalia cattapa), sea pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), pandan (Pandanus sp.), puspa (Schima wallichii), meranti (Shorea sp.), oil (Dipterocarpus gracilis), and ramin (Gonystylus bancanus).
Way Kambas National Park has 50 species of mammals such as Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), tapirs (Tapirus indicus), coyote (Cuon alpinus sumatrensis), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus); 406 bird species including ducks forest (Cairina scutulata), yarn and clothing stork (Ciconia episcopus stormi), stork barrels (Leptoptilos javanicus), Crested Fireback (Lophura ignita), Bornean Peacock (Argusianus argus argus), Pecuk snake ( Anhinga melanogaster); different types of reptiles, amphibians, fish, and insects.
Wild elephants are trained in the Elephant Training Center (9 km from the gate of the gate Ijo) can be used as an elephant upside, attractions, transportation of wood and plow the fields. At the elephant training center, can be seen trainers educate and train wild elephants, elephant watching ball games, dancing, shaking hands, respect, put a flower, pull the rope, swimming and many other attractions.
Elephant training center was established in 1985. So far has managed to educate and about 290 elephants menjinakan tail.
Some locations / attractions to be visited:
Karangsari Elephant Training Center. Elephant. Way Kambas. Right berkemah.Way activities. Research and breeding of rhinoceros sumatera with natural laboratory facilities and time peneliti.Rawa homestead Blue, Elephant Marsh, and Kuala Kambas. Way Kanan river scour, observing animals (ducks forests, heron, deer, migratory birds), grassland and mangrove forests.
Cultural attractions outside the national parks: Krakatoa Festival in July in Bandar Lampung.
The best year to visit: July to September each year d.
How to reach the location:
How to reach the location: Bandar Lampung, Metro-Way Jepara use the car for about two hours (112 km), Branti-Metro-Way Jepara about one hour 30 minutes (100 km), Bakauheni-Long-Sribawono-Way Jepara about three hours (170 km), Bakauheni-Labuan Meringgai-Way Kambas about two hours.
Office: Jl. Raya Way Jepara
Old Queen Labuan, Lampung
Tel. (0725) 44220
Stated the Minister of Agriculture, Year 1982
Appointed Minister of Forestry, Decree No. 14/Menhut- II/1989 with 130,000 hectare area
Determined by the Minister of Forestry, Decree No. 670/Kpts-II/1999
125,621.3 hectares in area
Location Kab. Central Lampung and Kab. Lampung
Timur, Lampung Province
Air temperature 28 ° - 37 ° C
Rainfall from 2500 to 3000 mm / year
Elevation 0 to 60 m. dpl
Geographical location 4 ° 37 '- 5 ° 15' S, 106 ° 32 '- 106 ° 52' E
Artikel Cari Di Sini
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Way Kambas National Park Lampung
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Increase Page Rank Your Blog!
Google page rank is a technology that can take into account both the quality seberpa of a web page. Google set a page rank of 0 to 10, the better your quality of the google page rank you will be closer to 10 or even 10, how to have your blog page rank increased? one of the factors considered by google is the link popularity, according to google more analysis of our blogs in link of it the better.
So how do we know the link popularity of our blog? to know we use google and input the following syntax in the google search box:
link: www.blog-anda.com, then google will display the entire blog or web link to www.blog-anda.com. As for measuring the page rank of your blog, you can use www.rankwidget.com services, by entering your blog URL address in your rankwidget.com will soon find out how much your blog page rank, 0, 1 or perhaps 10?
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How do page rank and link popularity of our increased, there are some common ways, an outline is:
1. was frequently visited web blog or another person and a guest book that they provide, so your URL will be in every blog you've ever visited.
2. Submit your websites in search engines, for example in google, yahoo, Open Directory, etc..
3. And the last thing I recommend listing your blog HERE to increase your page rank.
One thing that must be remembered, do not expect to have a high page rank of your blog reply rarely updated and the content does not have characteristic and unique.
Source: Oz Logs
Selasa kemarin 011209,pengen banget makan keripik singkong pedas,cuma kalau beli diwarung deket rumah sepertinya agak kurang mantaf,akhirnya aku coba minta istriku tuk membuatkan salah satu keripik pedas has Lampung yang resepnya aku dapat dari salah seorang teman yang kebetulan tinggal dan sekaligus menekuni bisnis keripik singkong pedas ini.Berikut resep keripik singkong pedas ala Lampung.
* 1 Kg Singkong diiris tipis
* 1 Sdt Kapur sirih
Bumbu :
* 5 Butir bawang merah
* 1 Sdm Cuka
* 4 Siung bawang putih
* Garam menurut selera
* 2 Ons Cabe giling
* 10 butir cabe merah
* Minyak goreng
Cara Membuat :
1. Irisan singkong direndam didalam air kapur sirih selama 1/2 jam
2. Haluskan semua bumbu dan tumis dalam api kecil sampai rata dan mengental ( sambel lado )
3. Setelah matang masukkan cuka dan dinginkan.
4. Tiriskan irisan singkong diatas tampah atau ampan yang sudah dilapisi koran.
5. Goreng irisan singkong dengan minyak panas dan terendam,hindarkan menempel satu sama lain,jika busa mengilang angkat dan kemudian tiriskan.
6. Aduk dengan sambel yang sudah dingin tadi hingga merata.
7. Keripik singkong siap disantap
krusss…krusss…ehm yummy….mantafff keripik ini sebenarnya sudah banyak yang jual contohnya di Lampung tepatnya di desa segala mider di sana tempat pusatnya pembuatan dan penjualan keripik singkong, mantang, juga pisang. Jika anda jalan-jalan ke Lampung jangan lupa mampir yah di desa segala mider baut beli dan mencicipi keripik-keripik yang ada di sana.oke(Yasa)